Seventy-five years. That’s how long the oldest adult development study has been around, working to answer the age-old question: “What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life?”
Before we go any further, I have to ask: How happy and healthy are you? And what do you do each day to maintain a healthy, cheerful outlook on life?
For you to begin answering that question, I first want you to watch this 13-minute TED Talk from psychiatrist Robert Waldinger – who, through the 75-year-old-and-counting Harvard study, reveals the timeless results to a lifetime of overall satisfied wellbeing.
Now that you’re back from the talk and we’re on the same page – what a fabulous study! We are lucky to have this knowledge to give us the confidence to take action in our own lives.
So I’ll let you in on a little secret: for me, happiness is eating chocolate cake.
I guess you could also count skiing, reading the morning paper, and walking the dog with my wife. But hold on a second, these things only make me happy for a moment. What about what I need to do to create and maintain long-term happiness and health?
That’s where Waldinger comes in.
Good quality relationships with your spouse, your family, and your friends are undoubtedly the key ingredients to living a happier, healthier life. It seems simple enough, but then why are there so many lonely and unhappy people out there? Put your phone down, I say! Turn off your computer and TV, now let us play!
If good quality relationships are an area you want to improve in – as I do – then I suggest experimenting with the following positive activities. Maybe you’re already using some of these ideas, in which case: great!
- Eat really healthy and use natural remedies as often as you can (I’m not a doctor, so if you need your meds, take them!). My favourite resource is the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, complete with 550 herbs and remedies for common ailments. It’s my go-to book.
- Meditation. I love taking the time to do it each morning.
- This may seem crazy, but my son Colin put me onto Wim Hof and I am totally hooked. I use the breathing technique the most. Check him out on YouTube.
Refined from a list I have of twenty tactics, I suggest you read parts of this shortlist every day. For the days you are feeling down or low, spend even more time on it. Believe me when I say: it will pay off.
- Stay away from the small incidents of controversy whenever possible. Learn to adjust yourself to other people’s state of mind so getting along peacefully is possible.
- Learn to transmute all unpleasant circumstances into immediate action. For example, when you are angry, switch your mindset by engaging in an action connected with your hobby or your major purpose in life; keep busy with that subject for at least five minutes.
- Use all criticism to find the areas of life you can still improve upon.
- Express gratitude twice daily for your recognition of the fact that you have been given complete control over your own mind.
- On a daily basis, go out of your way to comment enthusiastically on the good qualities of those you love, and work with, but do not mention their negative qualities.
- Keep your mind eternally engaged in thinking about that which you desire the most.
- Cultivate your tone of voice so that your words have a pleasing musical sound.
I hope you can see the value in this approach to living. I know it’s a lot of information, so please don’t get overwhelmed! I have been developing my repertoire over many years and could spend a whole article going over the advantages of each topic.
These are strategies I have appreciated in retirement because they’ve maximized my ability to enjoy the fruits of my labour. That said, it helps that I am retired because I have more time to plug into these resources every day. But they are relevant for all ages – so if you can find (or are willing to make) time to engage with this list, you may just find that the sooner you adopt each strategy, the earlier your life becomes more fruitful.
I’m interested in you and what you’re doing. If you’re using a wellness technique that’s working for you, or you’re willing to share what you do each day to maintain a spirited outlook on life, please contact me, I would love to hear from you. One more thing: if you’re interested in the full list of tips to improve your mental attitude, I would be happy to share it with you – just send me an email.
Thanks for reading,
John Ardill
Founder and Mentor
Ardill Group
Direct: 1 416 400 5882
Office: 1 905 907 7000