A Very Special Gift

The Independent

By Ian Ardill 

‘Tis the season for many good things. For the gifts of family, friends and clients, for example.  And also for giving.  This holiday season, we have decided to demonstrate our caring for those around us by, instead of holding a corporate event, making a donation to Compassion Canada, an organization that helps raise children out of poverty in developing nations.  Specifically, on behalf of our clients, we have made a $5,000 gift that will help provide clean water to children and families in Cinandega City, Nicaragua. 

And there’s more to the story.  Please consider taking a few minutes to watch this video, in which I explain the incredible impact Compassion Canada is having on the lives of children around the world.  The video includes some wonderful pictures from a visit my wife Sarah and I made to a Compassion centre in Ecuador in 2017 – where we had the thrill of meeting the girl we sponsor. 

But first, allow me to wish a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and yours. 

Ian Ardill, B.A., M.T.S. 

Private Wealth Advisor
CEO, Ardill Group  

Direct: 1 905 717 5698 

Office: 1 905 907 7000 


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