Ecosystem update

The Independent

We build an exceptional ecosystem of expertise by taking our time to find just the right match, of experts and solutions, for our clients.

If we’re excited about our brand launch, we’re really excited about the value that our partnership with our field underwriter Michelle Roussin of Sun Life is delivering to our clients.  Michelle’s 21 years of insurance experience, strategic brilliance and unstoppable enthusiasm are giving our clients a clear and powerful voice at the table from hour one of the medical and financial underwriting process. Underwriting is such a crucial part of the application process because this is where the final decision is made on the final pricing of the solution we are applying for.

Underwriters – the people who decide whether someone is given an insurance policy and under what terms – consider hundreds of cases every day.  If you don’t have a voice at the table, you are essentially just a number.  But with Michelle’s guidance, we have been and continue to be successful at painting a full, accurate and meaningful picture of our clients when they apply for a policy.  A picture based on deep understanding of you not as a number, but as a human being.  A picture from multiple key perspectives including financial, health and lifestyle.

The result?  Confidence. The best possible experience for our clients, including faster approvals and better terms.  For example, a client’s life insurance application was recently declined – but with Michelle’s leadership, we were not only able to reverse the decision, but also achieved a standard pricing (meaning base or entry level pricing, as opposed to higher, premium).

Michelle lives and works in Ottawa, has held many roles during her more than two decades at Sun Life and has published several articles on how advisors can better control the underwriting process.  And she is right here with us, sleeves rolled up, working hard for our clients.

Thank you, Michelle, for providing us with a true concierge service!

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