Ian Ardill, BA, MTS

Wealth Advisor
CEO, Ardill Group

For Ian Ardill, every day starts the same way: with him asking, “How do I create the greatest amount of value and respect for the people I am working with?”

It is a focus that comes from deep within him: in his previous career, he spent 15 years as a minister. Pastoring a church with an undergrad and master’s in Theology, he learned very distinctly that relationships with people must be put above anything else.

As Ian says, “There is nothing more joyful to me than developing a deep understanding of my client. What are their hopes, their dreams, their aspirations, what makes them fearful, what gets them excited – and then how do I walk with them through that journey, so I can create that greatest amount of value?”

At Ardill Group, creating that value is categorically a team approach. Ian’s experience leading teams as a pastor is put to very good use as a wealth advisor – in building an unmatched ecosystem of expertise for clients, starting from the inside of the organization, where the team of Ale Zambrano, Darlene Abballe and Ana Karina Fasolino are the epitome of the Group’s fanaticism for consistent service. It’s all about finding Just the right match for your money® – on a number of levels. For example, the Ardill Group mission is to find just the right match of experts and solutions for their clients – clients who celebrate them for taking the time to carefully do so.

Ian also helps clients see their money differently. He helps them see a range of opportunities they did not previously know were available to them – again, finding them just the right match.

Having succeeded his father John, who has been a powerfully formative influence, Ian is the second generation of leadership at Ardill Group. Together, Ian and John – who continues to serve as a profound source of wisdom in the role of Founder and Mentor – have more than 60 years of experience advising their clients.

As Ian puts it, “Our reason for being is to walk with our clients through their financial lives. Now it’s my job to continue that journey.”

Our reason for being is to walk our clients through their financial lives. Now it’s my job to continue that journey.