By Ian Ardill
How does this sound:
- The investments you make in a given fund are fully deductible against income in the year you invest.
- Over the life of your investment in the fund, it is designed to deliver 115%+ total tax deductions against your income.
- When you withdraw money from the fund, it is only taxed as a capital gain, instead of (like an RRSP) being added into your income and taxed at your marginal rate. Depending on your tax bracket, therefore, you could pay approximately 50% less tax via this method.
Intrigued? Then you really should watch my latest fascinating conversation with Dan Pembleton, President and owner-operator of Accilent Capital, in which we talk about one of their premiere funds, Pavilion. It has the above-noted characteristics and more for you to consider.
Please note that at time of recording (Spring 2023), this information assumes a 50% marginal tax rate. Private market investments provided through Raintree Financial Solutions.