Reflections on 2020

The Independent


By Ian Ardill

The next time I travel outside of Ontario, I am going to look at it like never before.  Because one of the things that stands out to me the most, in this most unusual 2020, is that travel is purely a privilege – and not one to be taken lightly.

It has been a year that, to one degree or another, has opened all of our eyes.  Life has been an adjustment – a series of realizations – for every person, for every family, for every business.

At Ardill Group, we have of course been working remotely since March.  Although working from home has its pitfalls, 2020 has rewarded many of us with the opportunity to spend more time with family, in my case my wife and children.

Like many of our clients, I shifted some dollars from travel to the home front, where we took the literal plunge and bought a hot tub.  And like many hot tub buyers this year, I gained a new perspective on patience, in that we ordered the tub many, many months ago and only received it in November.

In the end, though, the wait has been worth it.  The hot tub has been great family time with lots of laughter, and, best of all, it is zero-tech time: there are no phones allowed in the tub, a very cool additional feature not mentioned in the owner’s manual.

The pandemic has also created much less commuting time, which has translated into considerably more time for a number of things, including cooking and breaking bread with my family.  We have even established a new tradition:  a big roast beef dinner together every single week.  That time, together as a family unit, has truly been priceless.

Something else that is priceless:  your trust in us as we’ve worked to create the very best solutions for you throughout this challenging year.  We believe that earning – and keeping – our clients’ trust is the ultimate accomplishment. On that basis, therefore, 2020 has been our most rewarding year yet.

All of us here at Ardill Group wish you and your family the very warmest holiday season and Happy New Year, and look forward to seeing you soon.


PS. What good things has the exceptional year of 2020 brought to you? We would love to hear from you and have a discussion in the comments.

Ian Ardill, B.A., M.T.S.
Private Wealth Advisor
CEO, Ardill Group

Direct: 1 905 717 5698
Office: 1 905 907 7000

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