Retail Isn’t Going Anywhere

The Independent

By Ian Ardill

A new episode of my video show, Money Match!

During the pandemic, only 16% of total US retail sales were done online. Today it is only 13%.*

That’s just one key takeaway from my conversation with Chris Wood, Founding Partner of Revesco Properties Trust. Chris and his partners had a prior business in which they brought brands like Apple and TJX to Canada. Then, 10 years ago, they started Revesco, to take advantage of those relationships and that knowledge – to buy open-air shopping centres in the US by marrying investors’ money with theirs. Shopping centres they could buy right and add value to.

They’ve done about $600-million in transactions over that decade, with an average return of…wait for it…over 20%.

Intrigued? I sure am. I think this sector has been overlooked; all the money has been flowing toward industrial and multi-family.

BUT retail is not going anywhere.

Check out the full interview about this investment opportunity, in the latest edition of Money Match.


*This and all above statements per the video.  If you are interested in more information, I can send the offering Memorandum if you want to read a detailed overview of the offering.


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