Something very nice

The Independent

By Darlene Abballe

Quality Risk Manager

In almost 15 years at this company, given the very personal nature of the work we do for our clients, I have been brought to tears more than once.  Mostly they have been tears of joy. One of those occasions was earlier this month, when I read this email.  It makes me very proud to work with Ardill Group – to know we can have this kind of affect on our clients. 

“Hello Ian!

I wanted to thank you so much for meeting with Ben and me yesterday. It is always lovely to see you and you provided us with a lot of joy and comfort. Ben said, ‘I feel a lot better after meeting with Ian.’ Ian, you have brought my best friend comfort during a time when it hasn’t always been the brightest of lights and that means so much.

The time you have taken in preparing and meeting with us – it has just been such a gift. We appreciate your intelligence, compassion, kindness, enthusiasm and zest for all things financial. 

I hope that you have a wonderful day!”


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