The Pursuit of Longevity: Living Vibrantly at 80, 90, or Beyond

The Independent

By John Ardill

I believe that longevity starts with the simpler things in life: consistent sleeping, keeping alcohol to a minimum, being kind to yourself, and being your best supporter through positive self-talk. 

Focusing on who you want to be in the future is also vital. For example, I have been feeling old lately, so I started visualizing myself at age 60. I would rather focus on how energetic I felt then, than ruminate on how I feel now. I know that may sound silly, but my mind does not know the difference. 

The result? I am feeling invigorated. And that’s much better than feeling sorry for myself about aging. How’s that for a simple hack?

I have found that many people, including medical providers who’ve faced serious health issues and didn’t find much help from traditional medicine, also look into natural alternative treatments.

Fifteen years ago, my wife Joanne started to have unusual, life-threatening symptoms. It was a scary time. Ever since, we have been on an alternative healing journey, and with better results than with traditional treatments. We didn’t want to mask the symptoms with strong medications suggested by doctors for the rest of her life. We wanted to get to the root cause of the problem.

I have no silver bullets to dish out, but, over the next few newsletters, I will share with you my findings and top strategies from the last fifteen years. They are easy to apply and will not break the bank. Obviously, I’m not a doctor so please see your medical provider if need be.

Stay tuned.

All the best, and be good to yourself.


John Ardill
Founder and Mentor
Ardill Group

Direct: 1 416 400 5882
Office: 1 905 907 7000


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