It’s not lost on me…

The Independent

It’s not lost on me that so many people have entrusted me with their money.

What more can I say in response to such an honour than a huge, sincere: THANK YOU.

I don’t take your trust lightly – in fact, none of us here at Ardill Group do. Every week, we talk about how our most important job is to be that trusted place for our clients. It’s part of what allows us to operate from a place of gratitude and thanksgiving, because while our promise is to find Just the right match for your money, the best part of that journey is the walk we take with you every day to get there.

Like I said in June, in our Q2 newsletter, there is a lot of anxiety out there. Feeling powerless has never been so easily accessible. But what I said in the summer is still true today: we know what will ensure you never have to feel that way again and we are always looking for new ways for you to take back your sense of control.

So I’ll just say it a few more times (for now): thank you for trusting us, thank you for believing in us, and thank you for letting us help you see your money differently.

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