Merry Christmas! And a Happy Year (in Review)

The Independent

By Ian Ardill

Joy to the world! I have been very blessed this year.

By my family, my friends, and my clients. Also by the ski hills of Mont Tremblant, the family camper we took through Northern Ontario, across the Prairies and through the Rockies this summer, and the Maple Leafs – but we don’t have to talk about the latter, I know it’s a controversial subject…



Here begins a new section of our newsletter that features the latest news of the Ardill clan. But before I get into it, I should preface by saying that not ALL family adventures are as fun as we hope for them to be… and that’s okay.

As Sarah, the kids and I made our way East for a family ski trip this past March, one by one, we started dropping like flies, catching ill. We did our best to enjoy the slopes, but after just two nights we packed it in, beginning the long and uncomfortable trip home. I think it’s safe to say we were all relieved to be headed on our way.

So while I would classify this trip as not exactly a big win, the most important thing is the intentional approach we took (and always take) when it comes to populating the calendar. If I can humbly share anything about how to structure one’s schedule, it’s with these three rules of thumb:

  • Be intentional
  • Be purposeful
  • Prioritize investing in your family and the relationships closest to you

It’s what makes our home run about as smoothly as we could hope – with Mackenzie in specialty arts school for vocals, singing her heart out in three different choirs and church; Madison adopting a horse into our family, making 3-4 trips to the barn every week to ride; and Malakye playing hockey at the rink three times a week.



On the business side of things, I found myself more grateful than ever for my intentional and purposeful practices, because I got to watch them take root and grow in every client interaction and financial transaction. They formed the foundation for some of our proudest moments this year. Here’s a snapshot of the highlights:

  • We have continued to strengthen important relationships. Weekly, I’ve been active in leading a group of five advisors, engaging in idea sharing and discussing best practices. It’s been a wonderful complement to our overall business practice.
  • Adding Alejandra Zambrano to the team! Or as you may know her, Alex. She has been an amazing addition, bringing a tremendous amount of strength to our process. As of right now, she is actively working on getting her insurance license, so she can add even more value for our clients.
  • Our very own Darlene Abballe was promoted to Director of Internal Underwriting. With almost 25 years of expert insurance and investment knowledge and client service skills, we are excited to celebrate Darlene’s 15 YEARS working with Ardill Group coming up in February 2023.

Now I thought I’d save the best – and possibly most impressive – for last.

This year, we had a record 114 private equity transactions in addition to insurance and referrals to our public portfolio managers. This was the largest number of financial transactions in the HISTORY of Ardill Group. We could not have done this without every helping hand from our incredible team, or our clients, of course.

We want you to know this: we’re vital, we’re active, and we’re one of the leading advisory practices in the country.



The public markets have been challenging this year, which is why we continue to actively work with our excellent private equity asset managers, monitoring them closely. And let me tell you, taking a balanced approach has paid off. I’m thrilled to share that despite this year’s market volatility, every single one of our private equity funds have made positive gains!

It’s important to remember that everybody’s asset mix is different – and success will vary whether you’re invested in the public markets or the private ones. Either way, our focus is always on finding Just the right match for your money.



I’ve got a whole section just on thanking you in this newsletter, but I thought I’d find a way to sneak it in again. Because all things considered, braving the markets these days is no walk in the park. But if there’s one thing you can do when walking through them, it’s decide who you’re walking with. And I – and our whole team – are so grateful and privileged that you would choose us, out of everyone else, to accompany you.

From our family to yours, and from all of us here at Ardill Group, we wish you the very best this holiday season, and always.  


Ian Ardill, B.A., M.T.S.

Private Wealth Advisor

CEO, Ardill Group


Direct: 1 905 717 5698

Office: 1 905 907 7000

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