The view from 77

The Independent

By John Ardill

Hello everyone,

When this article is published, I’ll be 77 years of age. I can honestly say that staying healthy at this age feels like a full-time job, and it wasn’t always this way!  I love hearing from people in their late 60s or early 70s about how active they are, but as we get older, joints and other health concerns start to creep in. Staying active takes more effort, and I now understand how easy it can be to slip into a more sedentary lifestyle. But don’t let this happen to you!

Here’s what I’m doing to stay active and keep some vitality:

  1. Get up early and meditate. It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep – what’s important is that you try. Meditation doesn’t need to be perfect to benefit you. Over the years, I’ve developed a few favourite practices, though I’m sure these will change as time goes on. Check out YouTube for your practice.
  2. Qigong. It’s similar to tai chi, but I find it to be more of an energy exercise, which is excellent for both the mind and body, especially for seniors. There are many videos available on YouTube to get you started.
  3. Use a workout app. Most mornings, I use an app called Muscle Booster. I don’t do it because I want to; I do it because I know I need to. It often begins with easy movements that help ease me into it, and before I know it, I’m fully engaged. We all know the benefits of staying active, and this app has been a great tool.

These three practices are part of my foundation. Stay tuned for additional technology and activities I’m incorporating.

Thanks for reading. If you ever want to chat about any of these matters, please contact me.

John Ardill
Founder and Mentor
Ardill Group
Direct: 1 416 400 5882
Office: 1 905 907 7000


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