By Ian Ardill
Here we are in a brand-new year – although in many respects, it doesn’t feel that different from 2020.
Uncertainty seems to be the dominant theme, yes. In the markets and the overall economy, some experts are taking a very negative view, and others are saying that when the pandemic is over, we are going to see an economic boom like nothing since the end of World War II.
Both of these positions are supported by some valid arguments. That is why a balanced approach to your investing is an especially prudent thing to do in 2021.
You could hide in your proverbial bomb shelter, but if you want to get some advice on how to be more balanced, give me a ring.
Because, amid all the uncertainty, here’s one thing that’s for sure: whatever you and your family are facing, whatever your business is facing, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Many people are feeling a bit stuck. They’re not sure what to do. They’re not sure where to turn. I think we really have three options:
1.Stay stuck.
2.Make some haphazard moves and hope for the best.
3.Move forward with a methodical approach and make ourselves prepared for whatever may come.
I say that our choice has to be #3. So if you’re feeling stuck about something – no matter what it is – please reach out anytime.
Many of you will know that in my former career, I was a pastor. I won’t bring religion into our discussion (unless you would like me to); I am just mentioning this because I have a good ear. I have a lot of experience listening to people, and I can listen – and hear – you.
Ian Ardill, B.A., M.T.S.
Private Wealth Advisor
CEO, Ardill Group
Direct: 1 905 717 5698
Office: 1 905 907 7000